They Complete the Life of Each Other

They Complete the Life of Each Other

The love story of Michael Abella and Lovella Delima is a reminder that the best answer to the question “Why do you love me?” is “Because you complete me!” Their lives, coming from the opposite sides of the economic spectrum, seemed predestined by fate to come together after suffering miseries, to start afresh with renewed hope and anticipation.

Michael came from a financially-adequate family because his father was a businessman engaged in transporting cut or finished lumber. Their house had always been crammed with people, aside from their own family, tolerated by the good nature his father granted to extended kinsfolk, workers, and other people in need.

Michael, youngest of four brothers, therefore grew up complacent and carefree, and had a go-lucky attitude towards life, when an unforeseen event happened.

One day his father unexpectedly spewed out blood, and was diagnosed to have liver cancer, the result of frequent drinking sprees with trading partners and industry colleagues. Soon after, amidst the sorrow of all that knew him, he died.

Michael, already an adolescent of 15 years, saw their once affluent situation gradually diminish and the free-loaders in their house leave. More bitterly, sibling relationship also suffered, fragmenting the bond which their father forged among them.

Fortunately, the capable management of their mother of the store she brought up, somewhat restored their economic status and home situation, although not anymore to the same degree it was before. Michael had completed high school, yet still quite needful of the guidance of a more mature understanding.

He met Lovely …

Lovella, nicknamed Lovely, grew up in an environment of abject poverty. Her father had a very erratic and particularly seasonal income as arbiter / wagers-bettor in game fowl derby contests. This was meagerly supplemented by a miniature retail store ran by her mother, and which had, more often than not, without a stock of goods.

Indeed, there had been instances when they would miss succeeding meals because none were forthcoming. Only their being a close-knit family kept them together, sharing and apportioning whatever they manage to have. As second eldest of four siblings and only daughter, she realized early in life that education would be her only way out from the affliction of being poor.

Lovely had to work for an aunt just to finish high school, after which she set out to actively seek employment to continue her studies. She took whatever job opportunities she found, working even on part-time basis or even if required to do overnight shifts.

Memorable to her were the times when she had to go straight to school right after coming from work, and lack of sleep sometimes cause her to mentally doze off. Still, her persistence and determination were compensated when she finished an academic curriculum in Information Technology, along with skills-enhancement technical courses in Computer Literacy and Programming.

She met Michael

Michael’s outlook in life has distinctly quickly matured at 22 years and he has become mindful of the future. He has by this time acquired a level of competence in computer design and print reproduction, developed from working for an internet café / ticketing office / printing shop, and has already started cultivating foreign connections for the business venture he had in mind. As source of a steady regular income base, he got himself a job with a home-based online marketing group.

When he saw Lovely he immediately knew she was the woman meant for him, so he lost no time proposing to her. She sensed in him a responsible and diligent life partner so she consented and they settled down.

Completing their lives even more is 3-month old son Julienne, the source of joy to both their families, and blissful foundation of their future together.

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