Inspiring Lives: The Beam Of Light

Inspiring Lives: The Beam Of Light

We never know till when all the blessings and happiness we have will last. You just open your eyes one day and notice that there’s nothing left in you. Just like Joseph, he just realized what he had when it’s gone. But, what made him passed from this trial?

When he was young he didn’t experienced any financial problems. His father was a seaman that time. He had only one sibling, Catherine. Being a member of a family who knows only the positive side of life, he never tried to learn saving every little he has since he could have everything he wanted.

As time pass by, they heard news. His father was being banned. He was ordered to leave the boat. He was not considered a seaman anymore. Their dreams became a lost hope. They can’t imagine it was happening. With just a blink of an eye, they lost everything. A big hope turned into a building suddenly collapsed.

He was still in Grade 5 when he learned that he can no longer get whatever he wished to have. He was angry. After the graduation he forced his mother to send him to a private school but she couldn’t. They had lots of debts.

He could still remember they hid inside the house because there were people who demanded them to pay their debts. He took pity on his family. It was so hard to see them like that.

He stopped studying until his aunt offered them to send them to school. They were so happy. But what they imagined wasn’t the thing that happened. Being with there aunt was like a disaster. They do everything to please their aunt but they couldn’t. His cousins were like terrors. There, it was like living with a chain. So, they went back to their mother and father.

They lived with their grandmother so they could continue their study. Since his grandma wanted to marry again, his mother got angry. She was so old and needed care but she wanted to marry a man who also needed it. His mother couldn’t allow it. So, his grandmother had thrown them away. They went back to their house.

One lonely day his uncle called. His father was offered a job at Leyte, mountain region. They planted crops there and earned money from the coconut. But, his father only got the money once a month and it’s not even enough to pay their debts. They have already eaten it before it was earned.

Till, they finished High School. They could no longer sustain college so they didn’t proceed. They’ve been in different places to seek for a beautiful life but life has been so cruel that time. They transferred and transferred but no relatives could help them.

Sometimes when the sari-sari store has nothing to offer them because of their debts, they use “patis” and junk foods as viand because it’s only worth one peso. Life was so hard to them. Every after meal, there’s nothing in their mind but to think what to eat again in the next meal. They hope time would jump up during meals so they couldn’t remember they have to eat.

His father thought, maybe it’s because they are far from God. They haven’t even went to church ever since. So, Joseph completed the Mass of Noche Buena. But still, life became harder and harder each day.

A neighbor invited them to a bible study. His father listened to the doctrines of Iglesia Ni Cristo. He was then enlightened. He invited the whole family to listen but Joseph refused to. It’s been so dramatic to them for Joseph couldn’t accept it. His father asked him to listen even in just a week. He listened but it was against his will.

Then one day, he felt the feeling he never felt before. It was like he saw the beam of light which God has sent us to follow.

He continued the doctrine and finished it. He wholeheartedly accepted the baptism. The whole family became a member of the Iglesia Ni Cristo.

From that time, Joseph had observed that from the moment they stepped in the INC problems were no longer a big issue to them. They still have problems but unlike before they now face it mightily. They felt the presence of God in every trials of there life. Life became easy as their faith became stronger each day.

He found a job and helped his family. At least now, he was able to help them. It was the big change that happened in their life.

He told me, “It’s totally different when you are at the right path, when you are with God you can fight all the trials in life”.

That my friends is his story which moved my deepest soul and which I am proud of to share. He was able to follow the beam of light and so he found God.

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