Inspiring Lives: Life Is Truly God’s Gift

“It is only when we truly know and understand that we have a limited time on earth and that we have no way of knowing when our time is up that we will begin to live each day to the fullest, as if it were the only one we had.”
- Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Life is truly God’s gift, let’s enjoy every second of it …be an inspiration to everybody because life is worth living for…

Inspiring Lives: Life Is Truly God’s Gift

I was born in Bislig City, Surigao Del Sur.I grew up in a less fortunate family whose father is only a forester and my mother is a plain housekeeper. I have two sisters and two big brothers.

Eventhough we are poor, our parents worked hard just to send us all to school. We are very fortunate for having such a loving and hardworking parents. During my childhood, I just stayed at home. My mother always tell us that we are not allowed to play outside our backyard because she wants us to always focus in our studies.

We are always obliged to do our household chores and then after that we are going to answer all our assignments and do all of our projects. Our “Mama and Papa” as we call them always reminds us that if we could finish our studies, they would be very grateful because that’s the only thing that they could give to us…as valuable as wealth – “Education”.

During my childhood, I was very envious with the children playing in the streets because in our home my parents were very strict. They will not allow us to mingle to other children because they might give a bad influence to us. See…? How protective they are…but I’m very blessed.

I had never been so emotional in my life until one day; sad news came to our house. I was curious why my mama and co-siblings were crying…suddenly they told me “Papa already left us…”I was very shocked. My Grandmother explained to me the incident. She said that my father had an accident in his working place.

The pain that I felt began to ask God why He let my father died…we need him…we really need him,” Why my father, Lord?”… The death for our father made us realized that nothing in this world is permanent. God has a reason why He let our father take his rest that early…

As time goes by, we had accepted the fact that our father was already gone. Although it’s very painful, we as family supported each other and we said to ourselves that life must go on…there are ups and downs…happiness and sadness …that’s normal…that’s life! We can make it…

My mother was widowed for three years only…why? It is because one evening, our mother introduced us a man that eventually became my stepfather. Our life with our new father was very miserable. He was very strict to us…very authoritative…what he wants, we should follow. He wants to manipulate us…we could not practice democracy at home…He is the law.

When, I graduated high school, I really tried hard to apply for scholarship so that I could enroll to college. Fortunately, I was qualified in one of the Universities in Davao City. I asked my mother to let me flew to this place so that I could concentrate in my studies…away from the shadow of my stepfather. I promised to her that I’ll help our family to alleviate poverty.

I studied hard and practiced thriftiness during my college years. After four years, I graduated with the course that I defended so hard with my stepfather because he had become the” antagonist” of my life. April 2006, during my graduation, I had felt the mixed emotions “Happiness-because after all, I finished my studies… and Shocked-because my stepfather died due to heart attack on that same day.”

Yeah, my mother is widowed again for the second time. That is really her fate. Life is indeed a series of unexpected things… With our love and care for our mother, she slowly accepted that …that was her line. Our family still keeps the bond and continues to live life that God had designed for us.

Now, I’m already a teacher in one of the private schools in Cebu City. My eldest sister is also a teacher in a public school. My two brothers had also their own businesses they keep on to be busy with. Our youngest sister is already a graduating college student.

We work hand in hand for it…industry, patience, perseverance, courage and most of all faith in God is the key in achieving our goals in life. We must be strong in facing all of the challenges; these are designed to make us more faithful to God. This story of mine is a living witness that no matter what “Life…is worth living for…with God…”.

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