How Words, Thoughts, and Music Affect You

How Words, Thoughts, and Music Affect You

Do you believe that everything around you, your thoughts, the words you speak and hear, and the music you listen to affect you deeply? Scientifically it does. A Japanese scientist, Dr. Masaru Emoto proved that they all do. He observed the molecular structure of water by taking photographs of before and after they are exposed to different energies, words, ideas, and music. And these are his results...

These water crystalline structures are affected by their water source...

Here are the most interesting parts. Look at the results as these water is exposed to Heavy Metal music... However, these are exposed to Classical and Folk Music...

How about pasting a name of some famous deceased person overnight? Let's try Adolph Hitler... However, see the difference if it was Mother Teresa's name on it...

This time, Dr. Emoto typed words then taped it on the glass of water and observed it overnight. He started with "You Make Me Sick, I Will Kill You"... But see the difference when he tried words like, "Love and Appreciation" and "Thank You"...

 I have been really thinking about how these phenomenon could happen. I could not even think of a way how he can manipulate water crystals to form and shape like this. But honestly matched with all my readings on the energy theories and inputs from Napoleon Hill and the Secret here is simply the actual and real proof of how powerful that energy in the form of our words and thoughts, can affect almost anything.

Not satisfied? Here's more. Dr. Emoto took cooked rice and place it no air tight jars. Everyday, for 30 days, he would speak directly to those jars the phrases "I love you" on one jar and "You fool" on the other. Any ideas how this can happened?

Thanks to Bo Sanchez and Life Enthusiasts for these inputs.

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