Inspiring Lives: Everything Can Change!

Inspiring Lives: Everything Can Change!

A true to life story of Jose Judelio "Junix" Villacorta, Jr.

A former little boy, who was unprincipled unlike any other, little kiddo act (stubborn), used to be teased because of one characteristic he had. He was so gentle that he easily agreed on everything, didn’t even tolerate anything that would cause a fight or argue which has became the means of people tagging him as “gay” which had also greatly affected his self-esteem.

The time came when he was almost in his adolescence; he was exhausted of all the teasing, thus he intended to prove that he is not weak like what everyone had said to him. In response of what he had gone though, he started doing cutting classes, going on a nonsense trips, being somehow disrespectful, joining a metal band, until he used to drink alcoholic habitually. As a result, at the end he felt bad to himself and became somehow an irresponsible man. He realized that his response was somehow exaggerated from his past experience and also it was not the right way to attest, that what he had done is a big nonsense.

Reminiscing the while when Christian Brotherhood International (CBI), a social and religious youth organization that caters to secondary and tertiary school students, was calling a meeting to all Iglesia Ni Cristo (INC) students for a “Youth Assembly”. He joined the said event, which became one of the most unforgettable moments in his life. He didn’t notice by then, but it was the start of a big change in his life.

Some times passed, he had known most of the CBI officers that passionately entertain each attendee that time. He had habitually joined district activities and later on, he became a part of the CBI district officers. About his other side, talking about his vices, he still had it but little by little he managed to take it out from his system.

Nowadays he is currently the District Director of CBI, so dedicated of the responsibilities handed to him. A good leader that helps young brethren to tighten and strengthen their faith and inspires all INC colleagues as well to be active in church related activities. He is both mission and result oriented when it comes to the outcome of ecclesiastical connected undertakings.

It seems so simple and common but it isn’t just about that. The point is we Christians didn’t become compassionate in our beliefs in an instant. Despite the fact that we know what track to follow, we can still be fooled by the devil using personal interest and weaknesses as his means. Everything that has happened in our past was because of our choice back then, knowing that regretting about it would not make a sense at all.

What will happen to us in the future would also be dependent from our choice today, which means it’s not too late for anyone of us to change the direction our life is following right now. What we just need to remember is that when we are at a state of choosing, we should know how to ask and connect it to someone higher than anyone of us, to God through our Lord Jesus Christ’s name.

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