The Only Knowledge I Am Always Be Proud Of

The Only Knowledge I Am Always Be Proud Of

Migrating from my home region for much greener pasture, I landed on one of our historical cities where Christianity first introduced by the Spaniards. Working as an ordinary employee at that time - I met someone who spoke to me about another kind of belief different from what

I strongly believed. Out of curiosity I began searching from some biblical statements came from them comparing with what I've known biblically.

I was startled knowing all the questions I asked were completely and satisfactorily answered from the Holy Bible itself - too far from what I knew - was un-biblical. Being intrigued and excited to know more, I continue searching the whole truth by attending the whole series of their doctrines - conducted by their own locale minister.

Felt like a student who excitedly and interestedly wanted to know more from his professor. I learned lots of biblical truths never heard before.

Few of those important doctrines which I considered as my turning points of my spiritual transformation are;

No written verses in the Holy Bible mentioning:

  • God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit or the Holy Trinity but there is only One True God being introduced by Jesus Christ and his disciples. (John 17:3, 17:1, 1 Cor. 8:6, Is. 45:21).
  • Jesus Christ is God; if He is, it would appear there are already two Gods. (Mat. 3:17, Acts. 5:31, Acts. 2:36, 1 Tim. 2:5 and more ...).
  • Signing of the Cros What misfortune awaits those people who possess the sign of the forehead and right hand? They will punish by fire... Rev. 149: 11 (Note: Please never do signing of the cross again from now on).
  • Kneeling before graven image. Why can't the Catholic Church deny that what she is doing to the images is really an act of worship? It is because, kneeling down is an act of worship... Psalm 95.
  • Permission of Eating Blood Why does God forbid the eating of blood? Blood is life... Deut. 12:22-23, Lev. 17:12-13, Levi 17:10.

I am very thankful to God for giving me a chance to learn what the right knowledge a man should know to learn exactly the real truth of His existence that could lead to man's salvation come judgment day.

The spiritual truth and knowledge that I have learned are not given to all human being but only to few chosen one. I may not be rich in all of material things here on earth but I am proud of the authority given to me by my God which is my greatest advantage to the richest man and very influential people in the world that have blinded from this spiritual knowledge.

Their riches and fame can not buy, exchange, purchase in any way eternal life which would only be granted to few chosen people of God. If I could only hold on that conviction 'til my last breath before that day comes or which comes first, I am very sure to receive the crown of Eternal Life.

I would like to share this spiritual knowledge I learned to all of my friends out there. I know we all have different beliefs and some religious practices, but by opening our minds and hearts momentarily would not take away what we strongly believe not unless what your heart and soul desire.

Praise be to God.

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