Inspiring Lives: Signs For One Life

Inspiring Lives: Signs For One Life

Ann Fatima Labitad is a simple girl who dreams of finishing her studies and pay back the support that has been given by her parents. Like a princess, she dreams of a perfect love story. Since second year high school, she has read novels and listened intently to different life stories. 

They were nine in the family; she was second to the eldest sister. She felt that her parents were unfair to her. They loved the eldest and she was left behind.

The eldest was able to enter a private secondary school, while she was enrolled in a public institute. Tough life like it was, she was still very thankful for it molded her into someone who was responsible, hardworking, and diligent. She belonged to a star section, received honors, and was nominated as school officer.

Since grade 4, she knew selling because they owned a small store, for which she was given responsibility by her mother at the early age. Once, she was left alone in Cebu when she was second year high school because her family was having summer vacation in Negros. She had lots of painful experiences as a girl that eventually made her emotionally strong. 

She had proven herself during high school. Her parents saw her eagerness to study, and to learn and pursue her dreams. She graduated with honors. It was then that she felt the support of her parents. She herself chose the school she wanted, which wasn't a joke because the school was really expensive. According to her mother, she could have whatever made her happy as long as it will do her well, and that she would not yet get involved in a relationship. 

On her first year in college, her world was shaken because of the early marriage of her elder sister. Having no work and no education, the sister had no one to go to but their parents, financially affecting her also She remembered that day when she really cried in the morning because her tuition was not paid yet and an examination was scheduled in the afternoon. She prayed hard and fortunately her mother found enough money to cover the obligation. 

Problems in her family opened her eyes and she began to search for happiness elsewhere. She met Jemar, who was available to give advice, provide comfort, and offer friendship. It all started when the public transportation they were riding took a wrong turn and they had to take a taxi to the home of another friend.

Jemar told this friend about this girl who caught his eyes and made him fall in love again after a previous break-up. She had no idea he was referring to her. Jemar started courting her September 18 of that year. 

When the second semester enrollment started, the school system suffered glitzes that were so troublesome for the students. She spent a lot of time with Jemar. They got so close to each other and he always waited patiently for her after school so they can go home together.

This was so touching to a girl and she started to fall headlong but she never let her feelings overflow, though she often sneaked out the house to see him. She was not quite ready, but on December 18, 2008, she said yes. They were finally engaged. 

The following year, as they had reached their first anniversary, she thought they were already meant for each other because they have not had any quarrel. Then fate stepped in. On the 20th day of December, when she attended the Working Scholars party; and was about to go home, a motorcycle hit her.

It was later found out there was a blood clot in her head, and everybody got worried including her parents and Jemar. He stayed at the hospital, and even slept there. Her parents admired what Jemar did, and only later did they find out he was not just an ordinary friend, but a special one. 

When she reached third year, events turned for the worse. Her mother was ill of diabetes, elevated blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Her father developed vices, and seldom went home. She really pitied her mother because she was now raising the family alone.

Her mother shared every problem with her, and that put a very big responsibility on her. There was the time when she had an interview, and she cried in front of the interviewer. She realized that the most vulnerable part of her was the welfare of her family. 

On her third year in college, her boyfriend resumed his schooling although yet in the second year. They each became so busy in their individual studies that they started to see less of each other. When they do get together, however, her happiness became complete. Conditions in her home likewise became more pleasant. 

Her father has now changed, saying he will leave all his vices and just stay at home. She cried in happiness that at last her mother could now rest and relax. They were already communicating in a good way. Her father was also starting to regain her mother’s trust, and they were no longer fighting. She was so glad God heard her prayers. It was this hope the future will be better for them, which gave her renewed vigor. 

She thought her happiness would be complete, but it did not because Jemar broke up with her, especially painful because it was on her birthday. She hurt so much; she could not understand the reason why. Nevertheless, she trusted everything to God.

She kept thinking that it was in return for the lies she told previously but did not regret because they kept her happy during that period. She discovered and learned a lot about herself. She was thankful because she was the one hurting than her causing others to hurt. 

Nowadays, she is happy and contented for what she has. She knew, before the painful heartaches, God gave her signs. Her sister once told her to expect an "I love you goodbye" on her birthday. Their friendship is restored and the whole family has open lines of communication.

She thinks God's story of her is full of signs, and her life is surrounded with signs. She never blames anybody because she knows all things in this world each have a beginning and an end. In fact, although she is still healing, she silently wishes for Jemar's happiness and includes him in her prayers. 

Things were never easy for her, to be sure. Jemar made it even more difficult. She consoled and assessed her situation, realizing no one else could take the pain away except herself. She was so lucky to have a friend now, May Ann, who's always beside her to understand and help her. God was really so great and so amazing. God made himself a very good character in her story. 

She trusts God that someday, she would be able to open her heart again and begin to explore what is in the world. She is still too young and there are many things that could happen and many people to come and go, to love her and for her to love them. 

She learned a lot of lessons in life. With the break up, she cried twice and it was in church. She asked God to make this pain easy for her that she knew the pain could not be erased easily. She had loved a man whom she thought was the one God intended for her.

God taught her a lesson to be keen next time and not to give everything. Love never guaranteed a happy ending. She asked His guidance to be with her throughout her journey and always believed that everything happen with a purpose.

In this misery she's going through now, she had proven she had real and true friends, a very loving family and a very promising God. 

Her journey will never end.

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