God Has A Reason For Everything

God Has A Reason For Everything

In this world, there are a lot of opportunities and experiences that you will encounter. Never let yourself behind from it. Life must continue for the world is round and time keeps on moving on.

Let me share my very own story. I was known by the name Elias Jr. as I was named after my father. I celebrate my birthday on the 4th of December. I have three siblings namely, Russel as my eldest sister, Darlynn and Jenny respectively.

I am the youngest and the only rose among the thorns. Reminiscing the past, I was still a toddler that time when my father left us. It was my mother who took all the responsibilities to sustain our needs. She acted as a father and mother to us. She really finds a way on how to rear the four of us all by herself. She worked very hard as a laundry woman as she is just an elementary grade level. She made the night into day just to send us to school and be able to survive as the days went by.

My mom was an extraordinary one, couldn't find any other woman like her. She was very strong and stood firm amidst the struggle in life. Though our father abandoned us, still we're living in a simple and happy family.

It was then when I was a graduating student in high school that incident came to our life that we never thought that early it could happen to us. At that time, my three sisters already graduated in high school. It was just fresh to my mind that year 2008, the saddest and the worst event that I can imagine of.

At that day my 3rd elder sister celebrated her 18th birthday, when no one had anticipated that mom was very ill, she got an instant stroke in that day while everyone were taking a nap. It was too late when we reached the hospital for she was already dead on arrival. We couldn't almost accept it and couldn't believe either it was happening to us. The death of my beloved mother was like a nightmare, but it was real.

After the burial of my mother, I made a covenant that whatever she had started I will do everything to continue and fulfill that dream. It took me another year to move on. After I graduated in high school, I was very eager to pursue college and so I look for school that has a high standard of education, but offers a low tuition fee.

Luckily, when I applied to Cebu Technological University, I passed the exam and somehow was admitted eventually. During school days, I met a lot of friends and classmates that helped me forgot the sad memories. During my college days, I met different people including one person whom I considered one of my close friends. Her name is Cindy; she was a 34 year old and a parent who took the same course in Education. She learned of my past and made us close for she could relate to the difficulties I have encountered.

Thereafter, the 1st semester I had to stop my studies due to the financial turmoil we have encountered. My eldest sister was the one supporting us and could no longer continue to pay for my tuition. The trials didn't stop me to pursue my college as I had to stop on the second semester. I did some extra work from my uncle just to earn and save for my next school year. I don't want to fail my mom's wishes.

God did not forget on my dreams, I know he has plans for me. The following year thereon, I was able to enroll through the help of my aunt. My close friend even helped me find a scholarship so to be assured that I could finish my course. Eventually I was accepted as a working scholar on the succeeding year.

I worked as a librarian assistant and at the same time studying at a full load subjects. Being a working student helps a lot in my school expenses especially on my projects. The money I could spend for my tuition will be used on my transportation and other expenses.

Despite the hardships, I am still grateful to God because he didn't leave me hanging instead he opened a way for me to be accepted as a working scholar. As the months goes by being a working scholar at the library, I felt exhausted because I don't have time to spend for studies.

Most of the time, I spend on working at the library; didn't even have enough time to study. I realized how hard to work and at the same time studying. But this does not give me a reason to stop. It wasn't a hindrance at all to my dreams instead I continue to look for other alternatives.

My aunt offered me to support my tuition if I could pass the other school examinations. It has much less fees, but was known to be of its high standard. God was so kind because I passed the entrance exam which I never thought I could make it. This was the only chance and way that I could continue my degree.

God is good all the time because new door opened for me. Currently, I am still studying and working hard to fulfill my dreams and hopeful to grant the long wishes of my late mother.

I believe that everything happens in our life, God has a reason for it. Whatever it is, it will make us strong; it can widen our hopes and help us fulfill every dream we have. He has plans for each of us and though we don't know what life brings for us, surely it is the best one.

God is always there in every corner though secretly working on us through his instruments, he is there watching us always. We just let him lived in our hearts and in our lives so that we can be guided and hear his voice.

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