How I See Life's Real Beauty In The Face of Thousands Of Obstacles

How I See Life's Real Beauty In The Face of Thousands Of Obstacles

Life is a mixture of sweet and bitter. It's not all the time sweet. There are times when you can't feel its sweetness, nevertheless its bitterness. We often ask ourselves how it can be. How can life be so cruel? How did it happen? We often blame fate for this. But, can't you see? It's not fate but how we face it.

We can never change the fact that God added some ingredients to color our journey, to test our strength. If we don't know how to stumble upon it, we will never be successful and will never get to see the beauty of life.

As a young lady of 16, I have known how beautiful life is. With parents like Mrs. Perlita Peñaredondo Necosia and Mr. Fortunato Geraldo Arnaiz I can never be happier to be born in this world. They showed me that I can be who I believe to be. With their support coupled with aspirations and love I am who I am right now.

Being born with 3 brothers and 1 sister, financial issues are often the problem especially when it comes to education. But still, my parents manage to send us to school believing it will help us in the near future.

I never thought I could see the beauty of life again after 2003. My brother fell from a truck and he was dead on the spot. His head cracked and his brain was crashed. It was so terrible. My mother got ill for a year. We really suffered since then.

Every night as I lay my tired body to sleep my brain keeps on thinking about what happened and about our situation. I could feel those big drops of tears falling as it slowly wets my weary face.

I can see the blurred image of my mother crying the pain out, screaming like she was being cut. No one knows how painful it is for the youngest daughter to witness her family like that.

It was one long year, one year of suffering, one year of crying. But, I never tried to absent in my class because I know it will only add to the burden that my father feel. I know we are not financially okay during that time so I need to stop but I didn't.

If I stop what will happen to us in the future? If I stop will my brother come alive? If I stop will my mother recover? No, it won't happen. So, I pursue my study. I walk to school, I stop buying the unnecessary things.

Yes, I learned all that as early as Grade 4. I learned how to face life. I learned to value education and I promised to finish college come what may for I know this is the greatest thing I can face my parents with, for I know this is what they want for me, for I know this is for them and my future family.

It was never gone in my mind, since preschool "my parents have been honored to have me", our neighbors say. No school year end that they don't come up stage. I've been an obedient daughter to them so I did a great job in school. I know it wasn't enough because I am not at the top. In Grade 1 and 2 I was the fourth, and in Grade 3 to 5 I became the third.

When I was in Grade 6 I was the first honorable mention. It was never swept in my mind that by the end of the school year I wished I tried harder. I was the kind of student who dislikes studying. I really hate it. But by the year end, I thought of myself, "what if I studied every night, what if I submitted my projects earlier", I could be at the top. Yes, there are many "what ifs" and wishes. There are regrets. So, I told myself it was all in the past. I can change it now.

When I go to High School, from first year to third year I soar up to the top, I was the first honor. I handled lots of responsibilities. I've been an officer. I've been an editor-in-chief. I faced every contests and challenges. I graduated as the school salutatorian.

Confused? Yes, I was not able to be the Valedictorian because of certain reasons that I can't tell to everyone. But, despite it I am happy because the scholarship given is for the sectarian school. I don't want to go to a Sectarian school. The scholarship could have been wasted.

I came here in Cebu to study but fate has another good plan for me. I found a job and I didn't refuse it for I know I can help my family with it. I thought my dream of wearing a black robe holding a diploma would be washed away. I may seem happy with my work, yes, because I love this. But, deep inside me I want to go to college.

Sometimes life gives me reason to go home, to our homeland Southern Leyte but I remain firm, I stayed here in Cebu. I know my opportunity is here and it has presented itself. I am going to college by June 2011.I never lose hope.

I serve God with every little strength that I have. It may not be enough to thank Him but I know it can make Him happy. I continued my responsibility in Church, I joined the choir and I accepted every responsibilities that He has given me. With this, I again saw the beauty of life. He has given me the strength I need. He has granted me the blessings I prayed. And so I promise, I will never go on different ways. I'll always follow the beam of light he has placed.

Now I realize, no matter how difficult life can be it's in you how you face it. We should not blame fate for our sufferings. In fact, let's move on and think not of the past and not only of the present but also of the future. Life's bitterness has made me strong and I thank God for that. He has motivated me. He has inspired me. Now, I am who I am.

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