No Man Could Ever Do This

No Man Could Ever Do This

For the love of the girl, a man will do whatever it takes to win it. I say it’s true. Honorable men do this. They provide care, love and support to the woman they love.

These days, not all women believe that there still remains a guy who will love them, respect them and hold on to them till the end. This is because some guys treat women like a play thing. They treat them like there are so many of them so they can play whoever they want. Some guy treat women like he’s the only guy so all women are on to him. How pity those guys who think like that.

Meet Rafael Tan Palacio, the man I knew who treated a girl like she’s the only one and not number one. It all started when he was still at the age of sixteen. He saw this young lady with her mother at the church. It was still fresh in his mind, it’s Thursday at exactly 3 p.m. He glanced at the beautiful lady. He has never seen a beautiful lady like this. Her smile made him smile too. Her skin was as white as porcelain. Her cheeks were rosy pink. She wore a dress that made her glow more. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. She was really beautiful.

The night came and he’s still thinking of the beautiful image he has seen hours past. He always expects to see this lady every Thursday. Months and months past, it never faded. What started with just one sight lasted till years. It’s been seven years now and he’s still hoping to catch the heart of this lady.

He could still remember those sleepless nights. He was thinking of this girl every second of his life. Before, after and each sleep he could see her image. It was never his plan to fall in love as deep as that. It just happened and maybe God has a reason.

He tried to show it with his deeds but just as we thought actions speaks louder than words; words are still needed to get the long awaited answer. For seven years he hasn’t told this girl what he really felt inside. He just imagined, “if only this girl could rip his ribs and see his heart, all she could see is her name printed just like an internal tattoo.”

Every time he heard some murmurs about the girl he got hurt. It was like he was cut by a knife. He used to go to the seashore, thinking of her, imagining like she was with him and he accompanying her with all her sadness and troubles. After a moment, he then felt something cold in his face. Those were tears from her sorrowful eyes. It’s so hard to hide such feelings. She was so near yet he couldn’t reach her.

He made up his mind to court this girl. They exchanged text messages. He thought this could be the beginning but then it was all just a friendly text. He tried to say those three lovely words in his messages but the girl refused it. She said she wasn’t ready for it and that she was so busy with her life. When he tried to send the girl home, the girl still refused to catch his love.

Nothing could hurt more than this and those times when he visited the girl at her house, she said “it was all just a waste of money, trying to buy pizzas and soft drinks; nothing could change the way she felt”.

Well, nothing could change the way he felt too. He said no matter how painful it is as long as his love for this girl never fades, he’ll still continue loving her. His love wasn’t built buy a stepping stone that can easily be crashed, it’s built by a diamond that only itself can break it. Only he could break it and sad to say he couldn’t control his heart, he couldn’t stop it from loving her. For him, to stop loving her meant stop breathing.

It was never his intention to let himself suffer but it was what his heart called. He has done sacrifices but the girl just can’t find a place in her heart for this person. The girl never asked him to do some sacrifices but was it his fault to fall so deep in love. Nope. He just did what was known to him the best thing.

This measures how truthful he is. This measures how long he could stand all the tests. But, wasn’t seven years enough?

People may think he’s pathetic but he wasn’t. He was the luckiest guy because someday someone would love him more than he loved this girl.

In my interview with him he said, “The most fearful thing I could ever imagine is seeing her going away, I’m afraid she might go to other country and work there. It’s better to see her everyday knowing I couldn’t have her than to know I could never see her again”.

I asked him this simple question which he answered differently from what I’ve expected to hear from him. “If she goes abroad, would you let her go?” said I. Know what his answer was? He said,” I’ll let her go there because it’s for her future but don’t expect me to just stay and watch her go.

I would go there too even if it means I’m going to suffer from debts, even if I’ll be broke. That’s how I love her.” I was shocked. Could you think a guy would go abroad just to be with the one he loves even if that love wasn’t returned to him? He’s not rich nor a millionaire for him to be easy to go there. It would take him sacrifices, sacrifices more than he has done before yet he’s willing to do it.

I was amazed by his courage. I do believe he’ll found his true love, if not her, a lady whom he deserves. I know no other man who has done that, only Rafael. So, young lady hope you’ll understand how he feels. But, if you don’t really love him I know God will find a way so his pain won’t be in vain.

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