I'm Judgmental, I've Been Told

I'm Judgmental, I've Been Told

I didn't expect to be posting again so soon; I just posted something a few hours ago. But given a question/accusation I received tonight, I will. So here is your answer...

If someone murders people, is he not a murderer? If someone lies every time she opens her mouth, is she not a liar? Is telling the murderer he's a nice guy and the liar she's telling the truth an expression of love, forgiveness, and mercy? Look, a tree is known by its fruit, as Scripture says. An apple tree that produces sour grapes...well, there's a problem. Pointing fingers at the person who recognizes that the apple tree has a serious problem and calling her judgmental is ridiculous.

This is the agenda I am here to counter. When Jesus saw hypocrisy, He spoke up. When he saw injustice, He addressed it--and so did His followers. It is disturbing when people tolerate a lack of respect for the sanctity of life and the annihilation of Christian principles all in the name of being non-judgmental--and then suggest that they are being Christ-like by remaining silent.

Look, I don't have time for liberal games. Anyone who believes that Christians don't need to take a stand, speak up, and make a difference, they're deceived--and my feedback from most of you tells me that you get it. But some people just don't get it. Jesus was not a wimp, did not walk around wondering who He was, and was not afraid to call a spade a spade--and neither are His followers! Granted, He did not give us the order to condemn other people to hell. That's not our job, nor one I would take if offered. Instead, He left His Word which separates light from darkness and has the power to deliver from hell. And although we are not to be judges, we are fruit inspectors, and we do have a voice that needs to be unleashed.

I am blessed by the apostle Peter who stood up on the day of Pentecost, looked the people in the eyes, and told them that their actions were deplorable and that they were "wicked". Of course they were deplorable and wicked; they had killed the Savior. The response? They were humbled and ashamed and cried out, "Men and brethren, what shall we do?" It was then that Peter was able to preach the first message of the New Testament church: "Repent and be baptized..." They came face to face with their sin because someone had the nerve to confront them.

Good thing Peter didn't say, "Gentlemen, I know you crucified Christ, but I don't know your hearts. Who am I to point out your wrongdoings? Who am I to judge? Go your way, and if you are so led, maybe you can stop killing and stuff!"

It amazes me that there is such an outcry when you speak out against abortion, insults to special needs individuals, and loss of religious freedom. Where's the outcry at the loss of innocent life, the discrimination against our most vulnerable, the despicable treatment of a Christian woman who had the unmitigated temerity to run for public office? Please! I AM NOT GOING TO BE SILENCED! It's the truth that sets people free, and that's my sole motivation--thus the name Motivation: Truth.

When you are willing to speak the truth that God is leading you to speak, and then God sheds the light on it, it's a powerful thing. When you've been duped, however, into remaining silent, thinking you are thereby exemplifying Christ, well...we get what we have today: Roe v. Wade, Terri Schiavo, and the list goes on. Isaiah 5:20 says, "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" and Proverbs 17:15 says, "He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD". But you ejaculate, How dare the psalmist suggest that one could know who's wicked and who's just! Look, the apple tree that produces apples stands worlds apart from the apple tree producing sour grapes. It's an obvious difference. It's plain to see.

Now, let's pretend the tree has a will and a heart. I have no way of knowing if the tree, in its heart, has the will to produce apples rather than sour grapes--and I wouldn't dare judge that. But in its current state, it has a problem that needs to be addressed. Smiling at the tree won't help. Ignoring the grapes won't help. And insisting that someone else pat the tree's bark down and join in with you in your blind acceptance of unacceptable fruit-bearing surely won't help!

I find it amazing that in the one post where I actually gave the president the benefit of the doubt, said I wasn't sure what his intentions were in his Special Olympics gaffe, and acknowledged that he did apologize, I get an email about being judgmental! Boy, Sarah Palin sure could have used such support when they were dissing her by calling her a Right-wing Christianista, a scary born-again, tongue-talking lunatic, which the far-Left is still calling her. But I guess that was okay...'cause...well, you don't know what's in their hearts when they attacked faith in God--your God. Maybe not, but whatever's in there is leaving a bitter taste in my mouth, and it tastes a lot like sour grapes!

My sole motivation? The truth!

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